Friday, August 14, 2009

child after my own heart...seriously could fall asleep where I's a fairly sad day when a kind, elderly, soul asks you if they are to blame for your excessive yawning :) My reply is now standard...not chronic fatigue, just something a bit more colorful to widen the eyes and leave them with enough awe and wonder to last the day.

Been doing everything possible...more sleep, no. mmm...more exercising...helpful, but still feel like a freight train just hit me...again, put it in reverse, and then once more for giggles.

Liquid energy is asking for trouble, but now I have a newly discovered daily fix of extra shots in a 'coffee drink' that is already filled with enough sugar replacements to kill a small horse. Of course, in the spirit of all that is good (and not wanting to get on a caffeine high alone) my co-worker has become the daily recipient of my sleep craving, pseudo-coffee drink inhaling, daily binge adventures. If ANYTHING happens to him, I hold myself responsible...and the good folks at Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf.

Maybe it's time to go swimming.

Pacific here I's been awhile, friend.

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